remedy - (noun) A medicine to end an illness or disease, medicine - (noun) A remedy to stop or prevent illness, treatment - (noun) Medical care given to a patient, patient - (noun) A person being treated by a doctor, prescribe - (verb) To give advice about a treatment, often from a doctor, operation - (noun) The act of surgery, symptoms - (noun) Things which show someone is ill. Cough, headache, etc., diagnose - (verb) To decide which illness or disease is affecting a person, surgery - (noun) The treatment of injuries to the body, often involving the cutting of the body, cure - (verb) To end an illness or disease, organs - (noun) Parts of the body, usually found inside, advances - (noun) A development or improvement, vigorously - (adverb) To move quickly, using a lot of energy, saunter - (verb) To walk slowly, brisk - (adjective) Active, fast and energetic, lifestyle - (noun) The way a person or group lives, energetic - (adjective) Involving lots of activity and energy, recover - (verb) To get better from an illness or disease,


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