Megacity - These are the largest examples of human settlement. They are cities with more than 10 million people living there. The number of these cities in the world has increased in recent years as more and more people live in cities. They can sometimes be formed by the merging of different urban areas to make the city larger. An example of these cities, the largest in the world, is Tokyo in Japan, which has around 37 million residents. They are at risk of experiencing overpopulation problems if not run effectively., City - There are large settlements and are usually divided into different districts. They usually have efficient transport system to move people around. They are often the center of cultures with art galleries, museums and other landmarks drawing people to visit them. They are urban in nature but can include green spaces, such as parks., Town - This type of settlement often have thousands of residents and are large. They are typically self-contained in terms of facilities and would usually have a high street with a range of shops and other facilities. They often have a civic center of government administration as well as emergency services such as police and paramedics. Sometimes there is a railway station that connects this type to others, and bus routes in and out. They are urban settlements with a population range of 50,000-200,000 residents., Village - It is a small settlement with quite a few houses, and often there are facilities such as shops or religious buildings. The size of these settlements varies. They are usually in rural setting but sometimes can be on the edge of urban areas. , Hamlet - Not to be confused with the play by Shakespeare, it is also the name for very small settlements, which usually consist of a small number of houses. They do not have facilities such as shops. A typical population size would be around 100 residents. They are usually located in rural areas. , Isolated Dwelling - Usually a single house or a series of buildings that exist alone. This type of settlement is mostly constructed through personal choice or necessity. For instance, an individual or family may choose to build a house in an empty location to have more space in which to live. Sometimes these settlements are connected to a farm or an industry which requires a lot of space. They are located in rural areas.,

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