1) If You went to live in a foreign country... Who would You miss a lot? a) One person I d miss a lot  is my best friend b) I miss my best friend c) Im missing my best friend d) I missed my best friend e) I might miss my best friend f) I have missed my best friend 2) If You went to live in a Foreign country...what would You be very interested in?  a) Im interested in food and music b) If I went to live in another country, Id be interested in food and music c) Im being interested in food and music d) I will be interested in Food and Music e) I was interested in Food and music f) i want to be interested in food and music 3) If You went to live in a Foreign country, what would You be worried about? a) Im worried about not understanding the customs b) I was worried about not understanding the customs c) I d be worried about not understanding the customs d) I had been worried about not understanding the customs e) I worried about not understanding the customs f) I can be worried about not understanding the customs 4) If You went to li in another country....Who Would You stay in touch with? a) I was in touch with my brother and sister b) I will be in touch with my siblings c) I m going be in touch with my brother and sister d) I will be in touch with my siblings e) I was touching my brother and sister f) I d be in touch with my brother and sister 5) In You went to live in a foreign country.... what would You feel insecure about? a) I feel inscure about speaking a new language b) I was feeling insecure about speaking a new language c) I will feel insecure about speaking a new language d) Id feel insecure about speaking a nrew language e) I had felt insecure about speaking a new language f) Im expected to feel insecure about speaking a new language

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