1) Jeroboam - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 2) Nadab - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 3) Baasha - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 4) Elah - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 5) Zimri - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 6) Omri - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 7) Ahab - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) MixedDid Right in the Eyes of the Lord 8) Ahaziah - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 9) Joram - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 10) Jehu - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 11) Jehoahaz - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 12) Jehoash - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 13) Jeroboam II - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 14) Zechariah - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 15) Shallum - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 16) Menahem - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 17) Pekah - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 18) Pekahiah - Israel a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 19) Rehoboam - Judah a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 20) Abijah - Judah a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 21) Asa - Judah a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 22) Jehoshaphat - Judah a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 23) Jehoram - Judah a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 24) Ahaziah - Judah a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 25) Athaliah - Judah a) MixedDid Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 26) Joash - Judah a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 27) Amaziah - Judah a) MixedDid Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 28) Uzziah - Judah a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 29) Jotham - Judah a) MixedDid Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 30) Ahaz - Judah a) Did Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed 31) Hezekiah - Judah a) MixedDid Right in the Eyes of the Lord b) Did Evil in the Eyes of the Lord c) Mixed

Kings of Israel and Judah - Good or Bad


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