1) I conduct heat and electricity, I am ductile, malleable, dense and shiny, I can corrode, and I melt at high temperatures. What am I?  a) Metal b) Nonmetal c) Metalloid d) Solid e) Noble Gas 2) I do not conduct heat and electricity, I am not ductile or malleable making me brittle, I am dull and not dense, I can corrode, and I melt at high temperatures. What am I? a) Metal b) Nonmetal c) Metalloid d) Noble Gas e) Liquid  3) How is the Periodic Table organized?  a) Solids, liquids, gases b) metalloids, nonmetals, metals c) metals, metalloids, nonmetals d) gases, liquids, solids 4) A chemical element that forms a simple solution having properties between that of a metal and nonmetal a) noble gas b) mercury c) nonmetal d) metal e) metalloid 5) The ability to be pulled into thin wires without breaking a) malleability b) ductility c) magnetism d) luster e) conductivity  6) The gradual wearing away of metal as it combines with nonmetals in the environment a) malleability b) magnetism c) ductility d) corrosion e) conductivity 7) How well electricity or heat moves through a material a) malleability b) magnetism c) ductility d) corrosion e) conductivity 8) A solution of a metal and at least one other solid which is often also a metal a) malleability b) magnetism c) alloy d) periodic e) conductivity 9) Anything that repeats in a cycle a) periodic b) magnetism c) alloy d) corrosion e) conductivity 10) A material the stops or slows the flow of energy: a) periodic b) magnetism c) alloy d) corrosion e) insulator 11) A property that describes how light is reflected on the surface of a material  a) periodic b) magnetism c) alloy d) corrosion e) luster 12) The ability of an object to push or pull on another object that also has magnetic properties a) periodic b) magnetism c) alloy d) corrosion e) insulator 13) Most nonmetals are in what state of matter? a) gasses b) liquids c) solids d) water e) ice 14) Most nonmetals are in what state of matter?  a) gasses b) liquids c) solids d) water e) ice 15) Most metals are in what state of matter?  a) gasses b) liquids c) solids d) water e) ice 16) Metals are located on the _________ of the Periodic Table of Elements a) bottom b) far right c) far left d) top e) middle 17) Nonmetals are located on the _________ of the Periodic Table of Elements a) bottom b) far right c) far left d) top e) middle 18) Metalloids are located on the _________ of the Periodic Table of Elements a) bottom b) far right c) far left d) top e) middle 19) The electrical wires in your home are an example of:  a) malleability b) ductility c) magnetism  d) corrosion e) a fire hazard 20) The mirrors in your home are an example of:  a) malleability b) ductility c) luster d) corrosion e) shiny 21) Making coins is an example of:  a) malleability b) ductility c) magnetism  d) alloy e) density 22) Moving heavy objects is an example of an use of:  a) malleability  b) ductility c) magnetism  d) corrosion e) density 23) Cooking with pots and pans is an example of an use of:  a) malleability b) ductility c) magnetism  d) corrosion e) conductivity 24) Making metal into large sheets is an example of:  a) malleability b) ductility c) magnetism  d) corrosion e) density 25) The wire cables of a bridge is an example of:  a) malleability b) ductility c) magnetism  d) corrosion e) density 26) This nonmetal is present in all living things : a) calcium b) carbon c) chlorine d) boron e) hydrogen 27) This nonmetal is useful in killing bacteria: a) calcium b) carbon c) chlorine d) boron e) hydrogen 28) How many metals? a) 90+ b) 9 c) 18 d) 13 e) 82 29) How many nonmetals?  a) 90+ b) 9 c) 18 d) 13 e) 82 30) How many metalloids?  a) 90+ b) 9 c) 18 d) 13 e) 82 31) A group of elements that do not conduct electricity well: a) metals b) metalloids c) solids d) liquids e) nonmetals 32) The silicon in computer chips is an example of a use of a: a) metal b) nonmetal c) gas d) metalloid e) element 33) A group of elements that heat and electricity easily passes through: a) nonmetal b) solid c) gas d) metal e) metalloid 34) The ability to be bent, flattened, hammered, or pressed without breaking the substance a) ductility b) malleability c) luster d) corrosion e) magnetism 35) How many nonmetals are gases? a) 10 b) 18 c) 12 d) 15

Metals, Metalloids and Nonmetals


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