Ice cream is nothing ____. The Chineese ate ice cream two ____ years ago. They mixed milk and rice and frose it in snow. The ____ Romans loved eating snow with honey and fruit. For many years ice cream was only for ____ people. The ingridients were expensive and it ____ a lot to keep it cold. Today ice cream is ____ everyone. Have you ever tried to ____ ice cream? It's simple. All you need is milk or cream and sugar. Some ____ use eggs too. Then you can add vanilla (the most ____ flavour), chocolate, strawberries or other ____. If you only have fruit and sugar you can make a ____ sorbet. A sewet and ____ lemon sorbet is ____ in summer. If you are not afraid ____ try, there are some ____ ice cream flavours too. Have you ever eaten ____ ice cream with chocolate and chilli? you can also make ice cream with ____ biscuits in it.What about these ____? There is sausage ice cream and cheese ice cream. there's even black ice cream with ____ in it. Check ____ the photo!

GG3 6.5 Ice cream


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