1) Which word means dishes? a) prigs b) premises c) crockery d) larder 2) Which word means stolen? a) bearing b) habouring c) camphor d) bagged 3) Which word means hiding? a) prigs b) habouring c) treason d) bagged 4) Which word means a waste of time? a) bagged b) treason c) camphor d) wash-out 5) Which word means a place or an area? a) premises b) treason c) wash-out d) bagged 6) Which chemical is used t make mothballs? a) bagged b) wash-out c) camphor d) prigs 7) Which word means betrayal of a ruler or government? a) premises b) treason c) bearing d) prigs 8) Which word means going toward? a) prigs b) wash-out c) bearing d) treason


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