1) What does amuse mean? a) Respected b) To walk slowly c) Entertain d) Happy 2) What does dawn mean? a) Sunset b) Sunrise c) Midnight d) Noon 3) What does admired mean? a) To enjoy b) Entertain c) Happy or satisfied d) To copy 4) What does tacked mean? a) To try hard b) A small town c) To walk slowly d) To hang 5) What does imitate mean? a) To walk slowly b) To copy someone’s behavior c) Lonely and sad d) To make something known in a public way 6) What does honored mean? a) To enjoy b) Lonely and sad c) Insects d) Respected 7) What does trudging mean? a) To walk slowly and heavily b) To hang c) To make something known in a public way d) Respected 8) What is a village? a) Insects b) A sad person c) A small town d) A city 9) What does forlorn mean? a) Entertain b) Sad and lonely c) Happy d) Respected 10) What are grubs? a) Food b) small towns c) Reptiles d) Insects 11) What does announce mean? a) To copy b) To make something known in a public way c) To walk slowly d) To fasten or attach 12) What does pleased mean? a) Happy or satisfied b) Entertained c) Sad or lonely d) Tired


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