1) говорить прямо, без обиняков a) To talk turkey b) Pot calling the kettle black c) To bury the hatchet d) Cross swords with someone e) A battle of wits f) To bring home to smb 2) помириться a) To talk turkey b) Pot calling the kettle black c) To bury the hatchet d) Cross swords with someone e) A battle of wits f) To bring home to smb 3) скрестить шпаги a) To talk turkey b) Pot calling the kettle black c) To bury the hatchet d) Cross swords with someone e) A battle of wits f) To bring home to smb 4) битва умов a) To talk turkey b) Pot calling the kettle black c) To bury the hatchet d) Cross swords with someone e) A battle of wits f) To bring home to smb 5) доказывать что-то, убеждать a) To talk turkey b) Pot calling the kettle black c) To bury the hatchet d) Cross swords with someone e) A battle of wits f) To bring home to smb 6) в своем глазу бревно не заметишь a) To talk turkey b) Pot calling the kettle black c) To bury the hatchet d) Cross swords with someone e) A battle of wits f) To bring home to smb 7) помериться силами в споре с кем-то a) To talk turkey b) To pit one’s wits against smb c) To bury the hatchet d) Cross swords with someone e) A battle of wits f) To bring home to smb

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