1) I'm from ... Belarus. a) - b) the 2) Are you from ... Netherlands? a) - b) the 3) They are from ... USA. a) - b) the 4) Are you from ... England? a) - b) the 5) You are from ... Republic of Belarus. a) - b) the 6) You are in ... United Kingdom. a) - b) the 7) Are you in ... Czech Republic? a) - b) the 8) You are in ... Republic of Poland. a) - b) the 9) We are ... Poland. a) - b) the 10) I'm from ... China. a) - b) the 11) We are from ... Brazil. a) - b) the 12) Are they from ... Japan? a) - b) the 13) I'm from ... United Arab Emirates. a) - b) the 14) I'm not from ... Republic of China. a) - b) the 15) We aren't from ... Mexico. a) - b) the 16) They are from ... Spain. a) - b) the 17) I'm not a student in ... Germany. a) - b) the 18) Are they from ... State of Israel? a) - b) the 19) I'm from ... Kingdom of Denmark. a) - b) the 20) We aren't from ... Russian Federation. a) - b) the

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