1) To teach children right from wrong, some parents will ______ their children when they behave well and punish them when they misbehave. a) reward b) settle c) neglect d) declare 2) David’s new book made it to the best-seller list because of its beautiful ______ and amusing stories. a) illustrations b) engagements c) accomplishments d) operations 3) To stick to a tight budget, Robert bought a more ______ LED TV instead of a fancy, expensive 3D TV. a) significant b) affordable c) expressive d) technical 4) The airport was closed because of the snowstorm, and our ______ for Paris had to be delayed until the following day. a) registration b) departure c) tendency d) movement 5) Nowadays many companies adopt a ______ work schedule which allows their employees to decide when to arrive at work—from as early as 6 a.m. to as late as 11 a.m. a) relative b) flexible c) primitive d) severe 6) The moment the students felt the earthquake, they ran ______ out of the classroom to an open area outside. a) loosely b) formally c) swiftly d) nearly 7) The ______ capacity of this elevator is 400 kilograms. For safety reasons, it shouldn’t be overloaded. a) automatic b) maximum c) delicate d) essential 8) An open display of ______ behavior between men and women, such as hugging and kissing, is not allowed in some conservative societies. a) ashamed b) earnest c) intimate d) urgent 9) When taking medicine, we should read the instructions on the ______ carefully because they provide important information such as how and when to take it. a) recipes b) labels c) medals d) quotes 10) I was worried about my first overseas trip, but my father ______ me that he would help plan the trip so that nothing would go wrong a) rescued b) inspired c) assured d) conveyed 11) To ______ the new product, the company offered some free samples before they officially launched it. a) estimate b) promote c) impress d) contribute 12) The angry passengers argued ______ with the airline staff because their flight was cancelled without any reason. a) suspiciously b) obediently c) furiously d) evidently 13) John should ______ more often with his friends and family after work, instead of staying in his room to play computer games. a) participate b) explore c) negotiate d) interact 14) To prevent the spread of the Ebola virus from West Africa to the rest of the world, many airports have begun Ebola ______ for passengers from the infected areas. a) clippings b) screenings c) blockings d) listings 15) The recent cooking oil scandals have led to calls for tougher ______ of sales of food products. a) distribution b) regulation c) guarantee d) tolerance


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