1) 1. What could be another title for the "Music and Hearing" section? a) a. Trained to Listen b) b. How to Be a Musician c) c. Playing in an Orchestra 2) 2. What two groups did Nina Kraus study? a) a. noisy people and quiet people b) b. musicians and nonmusicians c) c. violinists and other musicians 3) 3. What does they refer to in paragraph C, line 3? a. orchestra musicians a) a. orchestra musicians b) b. instruments c) c. violinists 4) 4. What is true about Nina Kraus and Gottfried Schlaug? a) a. They both work at Harvard Medical School. b) b. They both play an instrument in an orchestra. c) c. They are both interested in how music and the brain are connected. 5) 5. How does Gottfried Schlaug help stroke patients speak? a) a. by playing music for them b) b. by getting them to sing words c) c. by teaching them to play instruments

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