1) How do you feel today? a) I feel happy. b) I feels happy. 2) How does he feel? a) He feel angry. b) He feels angry. 3) How does she feel? a) She feels surprised. b) She feel surprised. 4) ข้อใดเป็น Positive mood a) angry b) bad c) dreamy 5) ข้อใดเป็น Positive mood a) envious b) amused c) gloomy 6) "I'm not afraid of height." He feels....... a) angry b) brave c) bored 7) "I wish that someone will talk to me." She feels...... a) tired b) jealous c) lonely 8) "That bully frightens me." He feels...... a) scared b) surprised c) satisfied 9) "Please forgive me." He feels...... a) bossy b) guilty c) naughty 10) "My stomach is growling" She feels...... a) upset b) hungry c) comfortable


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