1) Choose the right order of words a) Who knows whose nose is whose b) Whose know who's nose is whose. c) Who know who's nose is who. d) Who's no's who's no's is who's. e) Who's know whose nose is whose. f) Who knows who's nose is who's. 2) The students __________ their homework. a) didn't make b) didn't do c) didn't write d) didn't read e) didn't be f) didn't 3) Choose the correct question. a) What are you like to listen to? b) What are you listen to? c) What do you like to listening to? d) What do you like to listen to? e) What you like to listen to? f) What do you like to listen? 4) Choose the correct negative sentence. a) No of them came here by bus. b) None of them were here by bus. c) Nobody of them came here by bus. d) None of them didn't come here by bus. e) Nobody didn't came here by bus. f) None of them came here by bus. 5) How many languages __________ your teacher __________ at the moment? a) do / speak b) did / speak c) does / talk d) does / say e) does / speak f) did / talk 6) Don't __________ the same mistake twice. a) learn b) do c) make d) have e) be f) take 7) He comes __________ Instanbul, __________ Türkiye. a) in / from b) to / from c) from / by d) from / in e) from / into f) from / with 8) I got a new laptop __________ my parents __________ my last birthday. a) from / on b) from / during c) by / on d) by / with e) for / as f) as / to 9) I fell in love __________ my wife so I got married __________ her. a) to / with b) by / with c) to / to d) to / by e) with / to f) for / as 10) Quick! __________ a photo __________ me. a) Take / of b) Make / for c) Take / to d) Do / with e) Take / on f) Make / of 11) What is another word for plenty? a) some b) a lot  c) almost none d) everything e) a little f) a few 12) If I were a carpenter and you were a lady, __________ you marry me anyway? a) were b) will c) might d) can e) could f) would 13) We __________ going to Greece for a holiday. a) like b) would like c) are thinking of d) are hoping to e) would love f) would like to 14) Come in and __________ __________ your coat - it's warm inside. a) put on b) take on c) put off d) take off e) bring in f) bring back 15) I __________ __________ some words in Yiddish from my Jewish friend so now I can speak it a little. a) took up b) brought up c) picked up d) learned about e) learned up f) took to 16) They had known each other __________ 2012. a) since b) for c) by d) with e) of f) from 17) He has been studying French __________ three years. a) by b) with c) of d) from e) for f) since 18) You are all __________ and __________ students I've ever had. a) cooler / more interesting b) the most cool / the interestingest c) the most cool / the most interesting d) more cool / interestinger e) the coolest / most interesting f) the coolest / the interestingest 19) My friend is __________ me because she works very hard and was born rich. a) more successful b) more than c) more successful than d) successful than e) sucessfuller than f) the most successful than 20) Pick the incorrect series of words. a) good, better, the best b) bad, worse, worst c) intelligent, more intelligent, the most intelligent d) smart, smarter, the smartest e) spicy, spicer, the spiciest f) shocking, more, shocking, the most shocking 21) Pick the antonyms (not the synonyms). a) frightened / terrified b) hard / difficult c) fascinating / interesting d) smart / intelligent e) crazy / insane f) famous / unknown 22) Pick the antonyms (not the synonyms). a) amazing / fantastic b) terrible / horrendous c) strange / familiar d) cold / chilly e) stupid / dumb f) rude / unkind 23) That was __________ a good movie. I loved it __________ much. a) so / such b) such / so c) such / such d) so / so e) much / such f) much / so 24) I've spent __________ money this week - I have absolutely nothing left. (MORE THAN ONE RIGHT ANSWER) a) such b) too much c) so much d) a lot of e) too many f) so many 25) Choose the correct tense: One of the bowls in the kitchen had been broken by Aisling. a) past simple passive b) past perfect passive c) past perfect d) present perfect e) present perfect passive f) past simple 26) Choose the correct tense: The movie was in the process of being shown. a) past continuous passive b) past perfect passive c) past perfect d) present perfect e) present perfect passive f) past continuous 27) Choose the words that don't go together a) have a nap b) make a complaint c) make an application d) do some revision e) practice medicine f) make research 28) Choose the words that don't go together a) play guitar b) play karate c) take ages d) make a phone call e) do the washing up f) send your love 29) He  __________ of a heart attack and now he is __________. a) dead / died b) died / died c) died / dead d) died / death e) die / death f) dead / dead 30) Choose the sentence with the mistake. a) I would have gone to the party if I'd been invited. b) Haven't you heard of Beyonce? c) I hadn't had anything to eat beforehand. d) I was on my way when I remembered suddenly I'd forgotten my keys. e) I can't remember if I turned off the oven. f) The child sat quietly on the lobster.

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