The Battle of Sluys - English victory. - 1340, The Battle of Crecy - English victory. - 1346, Capture of Calais - English victory. - 1347, The Battle of Poitiers - English victory. - 1356, The French fight back when the Black Prince falls ill. - 1370, Edward III dies. The French take advantage. - 1377, The Battle of Agincourt - English victory. - 1415, The Black Death halts fighting between England and France.  - 1348 to 1356, Charles IV of France dies without an heir. - 1328, Joan of Arc is burnt at the stake in Rouen. - 1431, The Siege of Orleans - French victory. - 1428 to 1429, The Battle of Castillon - French victory. - 1453, Peace between England and France. - 1389 to 1415,

The Hundred Years Wars - 1337 to 1453


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