1) You have no idea what is happening a) ashamed b) confused c) bored d) excited 2) You're sad because the film is not interesting a) ashamed b) upset c) frightened d) disappointed 3) You're home alone, and hear a strange noise.You're very scared a) frightened b) anxious c) delighted d) disappointed 4) You don't trust somebody. You think that they are not telling the truth a) ashamed b) proud c) suspicious d) envious 5) It's Christmas tomorrow. You're so happy that you can't relax. a) anxious b) excited c) embarrassed d) proud 6) You feel bad because you did something wrong a) frightened b) ashamed c) relieved d) anxious 7) Your sister took your make-up again! You're angry. a) ashamed b) cross c) disappointed d) confused 8) You have an important exam tomorrow. You're very nervous or worried a) ashamed b) relieved c) proud d) anxious 9) You dropped something and now everybody is watching and laughing a) ashamed b) embarrassed c) upset d) cross 10) You get a present that you like very much and you feel very happy! a) confused b) anxious c) delighted d) suspicious 11) Phew! You thought the teacher was going to give you a test but they didn't! a) relieved b) upset c) ashamed d) envious 12) The lesson is absolutely not interesting, and you're falling asleep a) delighted b) embarrassed c) bored d) anxious

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