1) Would you ......... some tuna on your pizza? a) like b) go c) run d) sleep 2) ......... you like a lot of cheese on your pizza? a) What b) Would c) Which d) Who 3) Would you like some ........... on your pizza? a) computer b) phone c) onions d) armchair 4) She .......... ........... a lot of mushrooms on her pizza. a) would like b) is c) are d) do 5) He would like some ........... in his burger. a) chillies b) sweetcorns c) prawns d) cheese 6) You would like some ...........  on your pasta. a) olives b) tomato sauce c) spinach d) pineapple 7) They would like a lot of ......... on their pizza. a) prawns b) pineapple c) peppers d) sweetcorn 8) We'd like lots of ........ a) olives b) spinach c) cheese d) tuna 9) What would you like on your pizza? a) I would like some cheese. b) I would like some onions. c) I would like some pineapples. d) I would like some peppers. 10) What ......... you like on your pizza? a) would b) like c) is d) does 11) I prefer .......... a) soft food b) crunchy food c) spicy food d) plain food 12) She prefers ............ a) crunchy food b) spicy food c) soft food d) plain food 13) We prefer ............. a) spicy food b) sweet food c) savoury food d) soft food 14) He prefers ............. a) spicy food b) crunchy food c) sweet food d) savory food


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