1) browser a) A security tool / process, usually used when creating accounts online. b) An application for browsing the internet. Examples: Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. c) a device or program that lets you communicate with a computer or application. d) Used to connect devices wirelessly. 2) cloud computing a) A security tool / process, usually used when creating accounts online. b) blind carbon copy (for emails) c) carbon copy (for emails) d) A way of accessing computing services and applications through the internet. 3) cc a) carbon copy (for emails) b) A very large, multi-national technology company. c) A program for your computer or other device. Includes productivity, entertainment, lifestyle, information, and other apps. d) A way of accessing computing services and applications through the internet. 4) bcc a) Universal Serial Bus. A technology standard for connecting and powering devices. b) An application for browsing the internet. Examples: Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. c) A way of accessing computing services and applications through the internet. d) blind carbon copy (for emails) 5) USB a) A security tool / process, usually used when creating accounts online. b) A way of using two different methods to authenticate users, e.g. password AND mobile notification. c) Universal Serial Bus. A technology standard for connecting and powering devices. d) Things like mice, keyboard, printers, etc. 6) Bluetooth a) A very large, multi-national technology company. b) Used to connect devices wirelessly. c) Google’s internet search engine. d) A way of using two different methods to authenticate users, e.g. password AND mobile notification. 7) social media a) A very large, multi-national technology company. b) Things like mice, keyboard, printers, etc. c) Used to connect devices wirelessly. d) A way for communities to connect online. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. are all examples of social media. 8) Taskbar a) A security tool / process, usually used when creating accounts online. b) Find and store commonly used applications here. See currently open applications here. c) A way of accessing computing services and applications through the internet. d) An application for browsing the internet. Examples: Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. 9) Google a) A security tool / process, usually used when creating accounts online. b) A tool for searching for information on the internet. c) A way of using two different methods to authenticate users, e.g. password AND mobile notification. d) A very large, multi-national technology company. 10) Google Search a) A security tool / process, usually used when creating accounts online. b) Google’s internet search engine. c) blind carbon copy (for emails) d) Find and store commonly used applications here. See currently open applications here. 11) app / application a) An application for browsing the internet. Examples: Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. b) A very large, multi-national technology company. c) A program for your computer or other device. Includes productivity, entertainment, lifestyle, information, and other apps. d) Universal Serial Bus. A technology standard for connecting and powering devices. 12) search engine a) A tool for searching for information on the internet. b) blind carbon copy (for emails) c) A security tool / process, usually used when creating accounts online. d) Things like mice, keyboard, printers, etc. 13) attachment a) When you feel a strong bond with your computer. b) A file attached to an email. The recipient of the email will also get the attachment. c) Moving an email to a 'label' in Gmail - attaching it to the 'label'. d) Moving files into a folder on Google Drive. 14) interface a) A program for your computer or other device. Includes productivity, entertainment, lifestyle, information, and other apps. b) Google’s internet search engine. c) a device or program that lets you communicate with a computer or application. d) A very large, multi-national technology company. 15) template a) A large plate. b) When the temp guy gets stuck in traffic. c) A file format, e.g. docx, xlsx, PDF, etc. d) A pre-formatted document or other file which can be easily filled in by the user. 16) peripherals a) Things like mice, keyboard, printers, etc. b) A program for your computer or other device. Includes productivity, entertainment, lifestyle, information, and other apps. c) Find and store commonly used applications here. See currently open applications here. d) blind carbon copy (for emails) 17) captcha a) carbon copy (for emails) b) A security tool / process, usually used when creating accounts online. c) A tool for searching for information on the internet. d) A very large, multi-national technology company. 18) 2FA / two-factor authentication a) A very large, multi-national technology company. b) Used to connect devices wirelessly. c) A tool for searching for information on the internet. d) A way of using two different methods to authenticate users, e.g. password AND mobile notification.

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