1) Rachel is... a) from Mull b) from Tobermory c) on 5th year d) on 6th year e) a pupil in Oban High 2) Choose all correct statements a) Rachel is planning what Highers to do next year b) Rachel is studying for her Highers this year c) her favourite subjects are Maths, RE and music d) she is enjoying Geography and English e) Music and RE are two of her favourite subjects 3) Choose all correct statements a) Rachel would like to go to Stirling University b) she would like to go to St Andrews University c) she wants to be a teacher d) she wants to do a degree in music e) she wants to become a minister 4) Rachel says for her chosen profession you have to be... a) trustworthy b) kind c) good with children d) patient e) Rachel has some of the required qualities. f) Rachel has all the required qualities. 5) What are Rachel’s future plans? a) work abroad b) get married c) have children d) travel the world e) work in North America f) work in South America 6) In her free time, Rachel likes a) reading b) swimming c) going out with friends d) playing the accordion e) sailing f) cooking

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