I couldn't find my bike because ..., I didn't want to go to the cinema because..., I didn't recognize Jack at first because ..., I couldn't catch the flight because..., I bought the book because..., My phone didn't work because..., I couldn't go swimming because ..., I couldn't fall asleep because..., I failed the test because..., I felt a little bit uncomfortable when I first moved to a big city because..., I wasn't hungry in the morning because..., I couldn't wait to see my friend again because..., Travelling alone was unusual for me because..., I felt lonely because..., I couldn't pay for the dinner because..., I couldn't believe my eyes because..., Last weekend I was really exhausted because..., I was angry because..., I was worried because..., I hugged my cat because....

Travel Vlog B1 Activity 2 Past Perfect - End the sentences


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