1) What are the 3 steps to make Zai Pits  a) Dig out by hand b) Place excavated soil downslope c) Fill with manure and seed d) Purchase land e) Enjoy the food f) Take pictures on social media 2) What 2 things does rain mix together in the Zai Pits?  a) Manure b) Seeds c) Trees d) Stone wall e) A carefree attitude to life f) Coffee beans 3) How do stone lines help make Zai Pits effective? a) Slow down the runoff b) More attractive c) Holds onto the soil d) Keeps manure in place e) Inexpensive f) Easy to source 4) What makes up the triple best combination of soil protection? a) Zai Pits b) Stone lines c) Natural manure d) Shade from the sun e) Animal fodder f) Charity funding 5) What are used to mark out the zai pit 'lines' and locations? a) Horses b) Ploughs c) Satellites d) Water runoff e) Seeds f) Animal manure 6) Where are grevillea from? a) Australia b) India c) Germany d) USA e) UAE f) Afghanistan 7) Why are Grevillea so popular? a) Provide nice looking leaves b) Provide Fodder for animals c) Not competitive with plants d) Value for money e) Stop soil erosion f) Don't require nutrients 8) Which two locations are best for Grevillea trees? a) Around the boundary b) On contours c) Top of hill d) Bottom of hill e) Underground f) Next to Christmas trees 9) Which one of the following benefits of Grevillea has, although it's still useful, the least impact?  a) Shade b) Fertile soil c) Windbreak d) Timber e) Fodder f) Firewood 10) Which two processes allow trees to grow back stronger, and more quickly? a) Sun and water b) Coppicing c) Pollarding d) Seeds e) Lying fallow f) Money 11) Who has promoted the spread of Grevillea the best? a) Farmers b) Charities (NGO) c) African governments d) Australian government e) Media f) Internet


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