1) What were the causes of World War I? a) Militarism, Alliance System, Imperialism, Nationalism b) German invasion of Poland, Appeasement, Militarism, Treaty of Versailles c) Alliance System, Appeasement, Militarism, Industrialization d) Imperialism, Appeasement, Nationalism, Bolshevism 2) What impact did the machine gun have on World War I? a) The massive casualties led to need for trench warfare b) The massive casualties led to a swift end to World War I c) Machine guns jammed often and were easily countered d) The machine gun had little impact on how World War I 3) What was the greatest impact of tanks in World War I combat? a) They were used defensively to protect ally trenches b) They were used to cross "no man's land" ending the stalemate of trench warfare c) Tank technology was undeveloped hurting more than they helped d) Tanks were not used until World War II 4) What was the greatest impact of Airplanes in World War I combat? a) They were helpful in gathering information that would break the stalemate of trench warfare b) Plane technology was undeveloped and were practically useless c) Airplanes were not used in warfare until World War II d) Planes would transport massive amounts of soldiers across no man's land safely 5) Who's assassination sparked the violence of World War I? a) Czar Nicholas b) King George c) Woodrow Wilson d) Archduke Franz Ferdinand 6) What was the goal of Woodrow Wilson's 14 points? a) To punish Germany for the destruction of World War I b) To serve as the foundation of post war peace & Germany's surrender  c) Wilson's 14 reasons for U.S entry into World War I d) Wilson's 14 reason's for U.S's World War I exit 7) What happened to Germany's economy following World War I? a) Germany's economy was crippled leading to hyper-inflation b) Germany was given favorable loans to recover its industry c) Germany was in massive debt, but avoided hyper-inflation d) Most of German industry was unaffected by World War I 8) U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt implemented massive government spending programs as a result of what historical event? a) World War I b) 1930s Global Depression c) The Bolshevik Revolution d) The Flu Pandemic 9) Select the following that apply to fascism. a) A dictator with unlimited power b) Free speech c) Very Militaristic d) Extreme Nationalism e) Openness to criticism & opposition 10) President Truman argued to prevent U.S. casualties on the Pacific Front the U.S. must do what? a) Launch a massive land invasion on Japan b) Drop the A-Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki c) Surrender to Japan d) Eliminate the Japanese Monarchy 11) Churchill, Stalin, & Roosevelt share what in common? a) They were the Allied Powers leaders in WWII b) They were the Axis Powers leaders in WWII c) They were the leaders of the Triple Entente in WWI d) They were the leaders of the Central Powers in WWI 12) Lebensraum, Mien Kampf, & the Aryan race best fits which WWII leader? a) Stalin b) Mussolini c) Churchill d) Hitler e) Roosevelt 13) What role did the harsh winter play in the Nazi Invasion of the Soviet Union? a) The harsh winter devastated Soviet Troops b) The harsh winter stopped and devastated the Nazi Invasion c) The harsh winter had no impact on Nazi Invasion d) The harsh winter created a stalemate 14) The Nazi Invasion of Poland marked the beginning of what event? a) WWI b) The Cold War c) WWII d) The Great Depression 15) The bombing of Japan by the United States marked the end of what? a) WWI b) WWII on the Pacific Front c) Cold War d) The Great Depression e) US neutrality in WWII

World War I, Between the Wars, & WWII


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