magma chamber - where magma builds up in the earth's crust, vent - pipe through which magma rises to the surface, crater - where volcanic material exits the earth, cone - structure of the volcano made of built up layers of lava and/or ash and cinders, active volcano - a volcano that is currently erupting, dormant volcano - "sleeping"; has not erupted recently but could still erupt at any time, extinct volcano - has never erupted in recorded history and is not likely to erupt again, shield volcano - largest volcanoes on earth that originate on ocean floor; found at hotspots; example is Mauna Loa, Hawaii, cinder cone volcano - steep sided volcano made of layers of ash, dust and cinders; erode easily. , composite (strato) volcano - volcano made from alternating layers of lava and ash, dust and cinders; main type surrounding the "Ring of Fire"; example is Mount Vesuvius, Italy, lava - what we call magma once it reaches the surface, pyroclastic flow - glowing, very hot cloud of poisonous gases released from a volcano that can move at speeds up to 100 mph, hot spot - thin place in the earth's crust where magma affects the surface causing hot springs, shield volcanoes, or geysers, Ring of Fire - area around the Pacific Plate where volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are common due to plate movements, volcano - result of weaknesses in the crust at plate boundaries that allow magma to punch through, composite (strato) volcano eruption - violent eruption; alternating lava and cinder/ash, shield volcano eruption  - gentle eruption with slow moving lava flows, cinder cone eruption - constant eruption; fast flow of cinder until chamber empties, subduction zones (convergent boundaries) - Location (boundary type) of composite volcanoes , subduction zones and divergent boundaries on land - Location (boundary type) of cinder cone volcanoes,



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