1) You need to add a new Column a) DELETE b) ALTER c) DROP d) UPDATE 2) You need to remove a record from the Database a) Drop b) Remove c) Update d) Delete 3) You need to remove an entire table from the Database a) Delete b) Alter c) Drop d) Remove 4) What is this a) Field b) Column c) Row d) Record 5) You need to add a employee into the database a) ADD b) INSERT c) UPDATE d) MOVE 6) Which is the Foreign and Primary Key a) Blue- Foreign, Pink-Primary b) Blue-Primary, Pink Foreign 7) What is this a) Foreign Key b) Row c) Primary Key d) Column 8) What is this a) Field b) Record/Row c) Column d) Table 9) An employee changed their last name a) MODIFY b) CHANGE c) UPDATE d) INSERT 10) You need to add a new table with foreign keys to relate back to the primary table a) ALTER b) ADD c) CREATE d) INSERT


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