1) Who flies on a space shuttle? a) an author b) an astronaut c) an actor 2) In space there is no ______________. a) air b) hair c) planet 3) What do the robot arms do outside the shuttle?  a) build rockets b) play guitar c) fix problems 4) What is the name of the X-ray telescope? a) Mr. Telescope b) Eileen Collins c) Chandra 5) What is the genre of "Exploring Space with an Astronaut"? a) animal fantasy b) realistic fiction c) expository text 6) What could astronauts see out their window? a) A space shuttle b) Earth c) the ocean 7) How did the telescope fly higher into space? a) It used a balloon b) It used its rockets c) It used an airplane 8) In space there is no gravity, so everything will _____________________. a) float b) sink c) flute 9) Astronauts are scientists. They do lots of _____________________________. a) homework b) puzzles c) experiments 10) What tool helps fly the space shuttle? a) a computer b) a hammer c) a lawn mower 11) The Earth is a beautiful _____________________. a) rocket b) ocean c) planet 12) Astronauts look for ___________________ and fix them. a) planets b) problems c) exercise 13) Astronauts live and ________________ on the space shuttle. a) work b) camp c) die 14) George and Brian will __________________ the planet. a) explore b) example c) camping 15) A bear is a _________________ animal. a) tiny b) delicious c) dangerous 16) We eat puffy white ____________________. a) marshmallows b) chocolate c) shoes 17) Be careful! The wet grass is very ___________________. a) green b) nature c) slippery 18) Aqua and Zoe climbed up the __________________. a) ladder b) letter c) sofa 19) A typhoon is a terrible ______________________. a) store b) day c) storm 20) When something is scary, you have to be _______________________. a) brave b) sleepy c) bright 21) Where did Mudge drool? a) Henry's hand b) Henry's face c) Henry's foot 22) Who could set up the tent a) Henry's father b) Henry's mother c) Henry 23) What did Henry's dad play? a) ukulele b) guitar c) piano 24) What was in Henry's pocket? a) lanterns b) crackers c) cookies 25) What is the genre of Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night? a) biography b) expository text c) realistic fiction 26) What did Henry and his family do in August? a) They went camping b) They went to the beach c) They went to Disney World 27) Where did they go camping? a) Big Bear Lake b) Small Bird Lake c) space 28) What things did they bring? a) a pencil and an eraser b) an iPhone and a Switch c) a tent, backpacks, and sleeping bags 29) Did everyone have a backpack? a) No, only Henry had one b) Yes, even Mudge c) No, only Mudge had one

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