The UAE is home to a range of beautiful animals, but many of them are quickly disappearing and are nearly the last of their kind in the world. In an effort to protect different ____ species, the country has created a number of ways to raise people’s awareness to the importance of conservation. In this article, our main objective is to consider some of these vulnerable creatures and what you can do to stop them from becoming extinct. Hawksbill turtles are found in over 60 countries including the UAE. The turtles lay their nests on our beaches, and especially on Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi. In the past century, the worldwide population has ____ by around 80 per cent and unfortunately it is believed that there are only approximately 8000 adult nesting females left in the world. Sadly, one of the reasons why the Hawksbill turtles are disappearing is that they are hunted for their magnificent brown and yellow shells to make decorative items, such as jewelry and ornaments The smallest of all 15 existing ____, in the past the Arabian leopards could be found all over Arabian Peninsula. However, since the beginning of the 19th century, the leopards’ population has decreased by around 90 per cent in Saudi Arabia and it is now believed that that there are 250 or fewer of these leopards in the wild, and they are disappearing fast. The biggest threat to this animal is the loss of its natural habitat and prey, caused by unregulated hunting. Some leopards are even captured live and sold at high prices as pets.30BTS 12 General CB T1 U2.indd 307/22/20 10:15 AMProperty of the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Education Unfortunately not everyone appreciates the cultural importance and touristic value of these animals. For example, many people visit our beaches every year to study the Hawksbill turtles, especially during nesting season. But in addition to attracting tourists, these animals play an important role in ____ the coral reefs by eating sponges which would otherwise prevent the corals from growing. In fact, research shows that one turtle can consume over 454 kilograms of sponges per year thereby significantly protecting the reefs. It must be remembered that coral reefs are home to 25 per cent of all marine species, so if reefs should disappear, so would many fish and underwater plants. Unfortunately not everyone appreciates the cultural importance and touristic value of these animals. For example, many people visit our beaches every year to study the Hawksbill turtles, especially during nesting season. But in addition to attracting tourists, these animals play an important role in preserving the coral reefs by eating sponges which would otherwise prevent the corals from growing. In fact, research shows that one turtle can consume over 454 kilograms of sponges per year thereby significantly ____ the reefs. It must be remembered that coral reefs are home to 25 per cent of all marine species, so if reefs should disappear, so would many fish and underwater plants.

Endangered Animals of the UAE


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