We tend to go skiing during the off-season because it's cheaper. 我們傾向於在淡季去滑雪,因為它更便宜。, There were lots of kids in my neighborhood where I grew up. 我長大的社區有很多孩子。, The data was collected by various researchers. 這些數據是由不同的研究人員收集的。, In the second game, her opponent hurt her leg and had to sit the game out or sit on the bench. 第二局,她的對手弄傷了她的腿,不得不缺席比賽或坐在替補席上, They are currently bottom of the league. 他們目前在聯賽中墊底。, The garden city attracts many tourists. 花園城市吸引了眾多遊客。, He is a very talented actor. 他是一個非常有才華的演員。,



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