1) Why did George drop out of school? a) He is too lazy b) He is poor c) On an impulse, he ran out of patience d) He wanted to work 2) Why can't George ask a girl on a date? a) He is too shy b) He doesn't have money to spend c) He doesn't want to date girls from the block d) He is self-centered 3) When did George quit high-school? a) A year ago b) When he was 16 c) When his mother died d) When Sophie got a job 4) Why can't George find a job? a) He doesn't have experience b) He is too young for a job c) He didn't finish school and summer was a hard time for jobs d) He is lazy 5) Why didn't George register to summer school? a) He doesn't like school b) He can't pay for summer school c) He likes to sleep all day d) The kids there will be younger 6) What is true about George's family? a) He has a sister and a dog b) They are rich c) His father is poor, has 1 sister and his mother died d) They live in a private house 7) What do we know about Sophie? ) a) She is 23 years old b) She doesn't like reading c) She doesn't have a job d) She is fat 8) What of the following George doesn't do around the house? a) Cleans it b) Reads magazines, mainly picture magazines c) Reads the New York times from start to finish d) Listens to the baseball game 9) What does George do in the evenings? a) He stays home and plays the guitar b) He wanders in the neighborhood  c) He takes his girlfriend on a date d) He makes dinner for his family 10) Name a job George has done... a) A delivery boy b) A librarian c) A waiter d) A technicion 11) What does George want to have in the future? a) Money b) A private house c) Respect d) All answers are correct e) None of the above 12) Who is Mr. Cattanzara? a) A friend from George's class b) George's uncle c) A man who George likes d) George's teacher 13) What do we know about Mr. Cattanzara? a) He is bald and married b) He is married to a thin and healthy woman c) He is 20 years old d) He is just like everyone else in the neighborhood 14) Why does George like Mr. Cattanzara? because... a) He is funny b) He remembers he gave him some money to buy an ice lemon c) He is always kind to everyone d) He reads a lot 15) What does Mr. Cattanzara read? a) He doesn't like to read b) Made-up stories c) Mainly newspapers, all of them d) Short books and old magazines 16) What makes Mr. Cattanzara different from other people in the neighborhood? a) He drinks a lot b) He is married c) He reads books while others don't d) He asks different questions 17) When Mr. Cattanzara asks George "what are you doing this summer?", George replies: a) "I am going on vacation with my family" b) "Not much, just chillin'" c) "I am waiting for a job and read to pick up education" d) "I go to the gym to stay fit"

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