1) For your Introduction: Which study is good to use to make genetic arguments for Depression? a) Malberg b) Kendler c) Maguire d) Videbach and Ravnkilde 2) For your orange egg: The 5HTT gene in Caspi is good for genetics, but it can also be used when discussing the... a) cortisol hypothesis b) depressive episodes c) serotonin hypothesis d) that Casper the ghost and Caspi the psychologist have much in common 3) For your yellow egg:  Animal models are used to test the Cortisol Hypothesis. One study found that injecting rats with SSRIs lead to neurogensis in the hippocampus. This study was... a) Moreno and Delgado, 2000 b) Caspi et. al. (2003) c) Kendler et. al. (2006) d) Malberg et al (2000) 4) For your green egg: one limitation of genetic arguments is... a) twin studies used for genetics are highly reliable in their results b) that they can be used to study the interaction of the environment and biological factors and do not solely rely on one theory of depression c) depression is only understood through the serotonin hypothesis, thus making the genetic arguments null and void d) genetic arguments do not account for any variation in symptomology across cultures  5) For your blue plastic egg: Caspi et al (2003) is a study that could be used to examine... a) genetic influences on depression b) serotonin hypothesis of depression c) both the genetic influences on depression and/or the serotonin hypothesis of depression &  d) neither, this study is not good for studying depression 6) For your purple plastic egg: The serotonin hypothesis is limited because... a) serotonin cannot be easily measured in the brain b) serotonin can be altered by diet c) the 5-HTT gene cannot be measured by modern science d) SSRIs can improve symptoms of depression 7) For your pink plastic egg: the Cortisol Hypothesis is also called... a) neurotransmitters  b) neurogenesis theory c) HPA Axis support d) an over-secreted hormone

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