1) According to NASA, how much is the planet warming up every decade? a) 0.15-0.2 Celcius per decade b) 1.5-2 Celcius per decade c) 15-20 Celcius per decade 2) Humans... a) Do not cause climate change b) Are the main cause of climate change c) Are not effected by climate change 3) How We Can Stop Global Warming? a) Power your home with renewable energy. b) Reduce water waste. c) Watch more TV. d) Rethink planes, trains, and automobiles.  e) Buy food and don't eat it. 4) Which is the deadliest weather condition in the USA? a) Tsunamis b) Heat c) Earthquakes d) Snow 5) Of the food we produce each year, how much is wasted? a) 10% b) 15% c) 25% d) 33% 6) What is COP26? a) A type of greenhouse gas b) A conference between countries to discuss climate change 7) How many centimetres have sea levels risen since 1900? a) 2cm b) 21cm c) 210cm 8) 97% of scientists think... a) Climate change doesn't exist b) Climate change is caused by human activity c) We cannot do anything to stop climate change 9) Which of these is NOT a type of renewable energy? a) Solar energy b) Wind energy  c) Geothermal d) Nuclear energy 10) Which country emits the most carbon dioxide? a) China b) USA c) India d) Russia


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