The intense sporting rivalry between ____ and AS ____ is the ____in France. It dates back to the ____s and is fueled by geographical, historical and cultural considerations. Historically, the two cities were the main ____ cities in the Rhône-Alpes region and competed for ____ and jobs. This rivalry was ____ in the sporting rivalries between the soccer clubs of each city. However, over the years, relations between the two cities have improved. In 2019, the ____ of the two cities, Gerard ____ for Lyon and Gaël ____ for Saint-Etienne, signed a cooperation agreement to strengthen ties between the two cities and promote their economic development. Despite this, the sporting rivalry continues to exist and can sometimes be reflected in ____ tensions between the two cities. For example, in 2017, the mayor of Saint-Etienne criticized the allocation of ____ for the construction of the new OL ____ in Lyon.

Soccer and competition between french city


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