She studies ____ every day. Meg goes to school ____ than her classmate. Dylan does homework ____ than Tim. Bob jumps ____ in his class. Chanter listens to music ____ after school. Jack jumps ____ than his brother. The turtle walks ____ than the rabbit. Ms. Chen runs ____ Mr. Wang because both of them are heavy. Eva dances ____ of all. I ran too fast. I could ____ breathe. The boy can speak English very ____. He plays the piano ____ than his little brother. I like the summer ____ because it's too hot for me. The girl sings the ____ in her school. Nobody jumps ____ than the guy from Africa. He left the classroom ____. He didn't say goodbye to us. My sister dances much ____ than I. I'm very bad at dancing. My grandma goes to bed ____ in my family. She's always the first one to sleep. The woman goes jogging ____ than her husband because she is lazy. Grandpa goes up the stairs ____ because his knees hurt.

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