1) I spilled milk on the table. a) Problem b) Solution 2) I cleaned the spill with paper towels. a) Problem b) Solution 3) My dog ran out the door. a) Problem b) Solution 4) I gave a treat to my dog, and he came back. a) Problem b) Solution 5) I forgot my library book in the car. a) Problem b) Solution 6) I apologized, and I will return my book tomorrow. a) Problem b) Solution 7) I accidentally broke my friends' toy.  a) Problem b) Solution 8) The ants ran to the jam. a) Problem b) Solution 9) Katie and Katie argued about their turns. a) Problem b) Solution 10) Katie will be Kat, and the other Katie will be Kate. a) Problem b) Solution 11) I gave my friend one of my toys. a) Problem b) Solution 12) Zac had a fan. a) Problem b) Solution

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