1) ..... you .... (travel) to Italy by coach? a) are going travelling b) is going to travel c) are going to travel 2) I ..... ( visit) Paris next month. a) am going to visit b) am going visiting c) is going visiting 3) My friend ...... (ride) a bike to the park tomorrow. a) are going to ride b) is going to ride c) is going riding 4) I and my sister ...... ( travel) on foot around our country next year. a) is going to travel b) am going to travel c) are going to travel 5) ..... they .....( visit) their cousin in Canada next week? a) Are going to visit b) Is going visiting c) Are going visiting 6) We ..... ..... (travel) by plane to France. We .... ... (travel) by train. a) isn't going to travel / is going to travel b) aren't going to travel / are going to travel c) are going to travel / are going travelling 7) .... your brother .......( go) to the party tonight? No, ...... a) Are going to go / he is b) Is going to go / she is c) Is going to go / he isn't

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