Claim 1: Smartphones are addicting.: "The reliance that individuals have on the internet is evident through the extensive use of computers, tablets, and mobile phones.", "What may start as casual usage can quickly escalate into a greater problem.", "This includes the nagging urge to constantly check the smartphone for new notifications.", "This can lead to impulse control problems where individuals can no longer function normally without a smartphone.", Claim 2: Excessive smartphone use is harmful to one's health.: "The lack of face-to-face social activity can lead to loneliness and depression, while the constant need to be in possession of the device may result in anxiety and stress.", "Furthermore, the LED screens of smartphones, tablets, and computers emit a blue light which can cause headaches, eye-pain, and sleep disruptions.", Claim 3: Smartphone use decreases people's attention spans.: "...the human attention space was roughly twelve seconds before smartphones were introduced...Today the average attention span is only eight seconds long, one second shorter than that of the average goldfish.",



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