upbeat - He was u___t about the company's future, leader - the person who leads group, organization, or country., fixate - High achievers sometimes f______ on their own flaws., hide - I like wearing sunglasses - I feel I can h____ behind them. (not to show anybody anything), imagine - I________ that you're eating ice cream - try to feel how cold it is. (think about something in your mind), tricky - I'm in a t_______ situation - whatever I do I'll offend someone., avoid - I try to a______ supermarkets on Saturdays - they're always so busy. (not to of there), tempting - That pie looks very t________. (you want to do or have it), hinder - A poor diet can h_________ mental and physical growth. (limit the ability), shake - I hope I can s____ off this cold before the weekend. (to stop being ill),


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