The 1980s were the golden ____ of japanese industry. From 1963 to 1966 the Beatles were at the ____ of their fame. The film was ____ as a masterpiece in its day. He decided to take a ____ of faith and trust them. Some people never even read a newspaper, let ____ a book. Getting some work experience now will stand you in good ____ for when you apply for a permanent job. Little by little it ____ on Archie that his wife was not coming back. They ____ on the idea of celebrating the occasion with a concert. The first time I visited the Sistine chapel I was ____ by its beauty. When I ____ across words I’ve never seen before, I write them down in a notebook. I wrote a letter of complaint, and the airline have promised to ____ the matter. So as to reach our destination in time for the event, we set ____ early the next morning. If you plan the project well, then everything should ____ place. Chris has ____ jogging and feels much healthier nowadays. I can’t ____ any more work at the moment: I am fully booked! I’m taking Monday ____ to go to London. Jane ____ as director after Richard retired. Don’t be ____ by their promises.


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