Leader of Women's Suffrage - Susan B. Anthony, Herbert Hoover - Mexican Repatriation, Shantytowns, Great Depression, Al Capone - Famous Gangster, Organized Crime Prohibition, Theodore Roosevelt  - President, Rough Riders, Progressive Era, Square Deal, Warren G. Harding - President caught in the Teapot Dome Scandal, Woodrow Wilson - President during WW1, 14 Points, League of Nations, William Jennings Bryan - Cross of Gold Speech, Fundamentalist, Scopes Trial , Franklin D. Roosevelt - President who created the New Deal & Courtroom Packing , Andrew Carnegie - Monopolist, Steel, Bessemer Process, Boss Tweed - Political Machinist, Tammany Hall Leader, Corruption Leader for votes , Chester A. Arthur - President Civil Service Reform - Pendleton Act , John D. Rockefeller   - Monopolist over Oil Industry , Knights of Labor Union - Fought for safety, 8Hour work day, better pay, Archduke Franz Ferdinand  - His death sparked the outbreak of WW1 in Europe, William McKinley - President during the Spanish-American War, will be assassinated, Sanford B. Dole - Overthrew Hawaii's government- Pineapple Industry, Queen Liliuokalani  - Queen over Hawaii's Monarchy before annexation , John J Pershings  - Leader of the American Expeditionary Force in WW1, Langston Hughes  - Famous poet, author of the 1920s Harlem Renaissance , Charles Lindberg - First man to cross the Atlantic Ocean without landing, Alvin York - Solider during WW1 received the Medal of Honor , Ida B. Wells - Muckraker, Journalist over the Southern lynching problems , W.E.B. Dubois - Founder of the N.A.A.C.P., Booker T. Washington - Founder of the Tuskegee University , Jane Adams - Helped immigrants with her Hull Houses, Henry Ford - Created the assembly line for faster production industry, Marcus Garvey - Civil rights leader, led the "Return to Africa Movement", Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Helped pass the 19th Amendment, Duke Ellington Louis Armstrong - Famous Musicians trumpet players, KKK - Eugenics, Nativist, Racist, crazy people,

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