blamed - I ___ him for everything. (condemned)  , on - I congratulated him ___ winning the competition., told - I ___ him that we should go on holiday., promised - I ___ that I would never do it again. (guaranteed), agreed - I ___ that I would help him if he needed it. (consented), making - I'm ___ a party at the weekend. (giving), doing - Would you mind ____ me a favour? , take notice - Don't ignore him. You should ___ of him, made a complaint - He ___ to the manager about the terrible food (protested), will take place - The wedding ____ in a local registry office (ocurr), take care of - Please ___ my little sister for me (look after), as long as - I'm vegetarian. I'll eat that ____ it doesn't contain meat (provided), far as - As ___ I remember, the first time I met Tom was at college., turned down - I ___ his offer. The salary was too low (reject), let down - He really ___ me ____. I expected much more of him (disappoint), broken down - I haven't got any clean clothes because my washing machine has ______ (stopped working), turn up - Don't _____ late on a first date. (arrive), grew up - I ____ in a small town in Scotland (was raised), take up - I'd never ___ skiing. It looks really dangerous (start), are thought - Tomatoes ____ to be a fruit (are considered),

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