1) I get up at 7:00 ... . a) a.m. b) p.m. 2) I brush my teeth at 8:30 ... in the morning. a) p.m. b) a.m. 3) Sometimes I visit my friend at 1:00 ... in the afternoon. a) p.m. b) a.m. 4) I put on my shirt at 7:30 ... before school. a) a.m. b) p.m. 5) I have lunch at 12:00 ... . a) a.m. b) p.m. 6) I have supper at 6:00 ... . a) a.m. b) p.m. 7) I like to listen to music at 3:00 ... after achool. a) a.m. b) p.m. 8) I go to bed at 9:00 ... . a) a.m. b) p.m. 9) At midnight, it is 12:00 ... . a) a.m. b) p.m.

Spotlight 3 Module 8 16a Telling the time with a.m./p.m. Pt.1


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