Eiffel Tower - A global icon of France, Arc de Triomphe de I'Etoile - It stands in the center of the place Charles de Gaulle, at the western end of the champs-Elysees, Big Ben - The palace of West minister is the meeting place of the House of commons and the House of Lords., Acropolis of Athens - It is an ancient citadel located on a hill of rock overlooking the city of Athens., Buckingham Palace - It became the official London residence of the British Sovereigns with the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837, Tower Bridge - It is close to the Tower of London, Stonehenge - It is the remains of a ring of standing stones that were erected roughly 4500 years ago., Coliseum - It is an elliptical amphitheater in the center of the city of Rome, Italy., Tower of Pisa - It is famous for tilting toward one side.,

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