True: After the muddy dog found an old shoe, he chewed it., After it rained, the playground became muddy., After the crocodile jumped out of the river, it ran into the bushed. , Jane looked at her book, shuffled her notes, and began the lesson., A cat ran down my road and across my path this morning., Neither rain, sleet, not hail will keep Jane from going to class., A glass of water, a mug of tea, or a cup of coffee will be fine., I'll have milk, sugar, and honey with my coffee., The young baby did not know how to talk or walk., False: After the old dog, barked, he jumped at the moving door.., After, it snowed people went for a walk., After the crocodile jumped, at the boat everyone screamed., Jane shuffled her notes looked at her book , and started the lesson., A glass of water a mug of tea or a cup of coffee will be fine., I'll have milk sugar and honey with my coffee.,


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