1) I love shopping, it is one of my favourite things. a) Correct sentence b) Comma should be a full stop 2) Although I love dogs, I don't want one as a pet. a) Correct sentence b) Comma should be a full stop 3) After we visited the museum, we went to the park. a) Correct sentence b) Comma should be a full stop 4) There are many reasons for visiting France, the architecture is fascinating and the food is delicious. a) Correct sentence b) Comma should be a full stop 5) I was walking across the road, I saw a dog. a) Correct sentence b) Comma should be a full stop 6) While I was driving to the supermarket, I heard a loud noise. a) Correct sentence b) Comma should be a full stop 7) We invited all the family to the party, my mother couldn't come. a) Correct sentence b) Comma should be a full stop 8) Our old house was quite nice, but I prefer our new house. a) Correct sentence b) Comma should be a full stop 9) Even though I got good marks this year, I didn't want to do the exam. a) Correct sentence b) Comma should be a full stop 10) I went to Italy last summer, it was such a special holiday. a) Correct sentence b) Comma should be a full stop 11) I love tennis, the sport is popular. a) correct sentence b) the comma should b e a full stop 12) I love tennis, rugby, and football. a) correct sentence b) the comma should be a full stop

You decide.Is the sentence correct or should the comma be a full stop?


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