1) What are your company's strengths? 2) How does your alliance with Roche become your company's strengths? 3) How did the alliance with Roche  help your company's performance? 4) How much of your sales come from the international market and/or local market? 5) Explain your company's growth strategy 6) What were the top 3 most challenging experiences that you experienced in your department? 7) What percent of the company's annual budget share is for R&D? (Tech & Innovation) 8) How much pressure does your country's government put on you (Chugai) and others in the industry regarding price regulation? 9) What one-time income did Chugai make? 10) What are your top priorities to ensure you hit your sales goals in 2023? 11) What do you consider as "fair pricing"? 12) What are your company's weaknesses? 13) If there's something you would like to change in your country's healthcare system, what is it? Why? 14) If there is something you would change at work what would it be? 15) What is that one thing that, if taken from you, would take away the meaning of your life?


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