screamed - shouted in a loud voice because the person was angry, in pain or, in this case, trying to get people's attention., muttering - Speaking quietly and in a low, slightly angry voice because the person is unhappy with the situation, mumbled - Spoke in a quiet and unclear way that made it difficult for others to understand., said with a sigh - Said with a deep, slow outward breath that shows the person is sad, disappointed or upset., said bravely - Spoke with a strong, firm voice even though the person was scared., moved - Moved in a very careful way., leapt - Jumped suddenly, tripped - Fell over something small or low because the person hit a foot against it., hurried on - Continued going in a quick way because they wanted to get somewhere sooner., turned anxiously - Changed the position of her head or body in a worried way, so that she was facing in a different direction.,



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