1) What is the volume of water in the measuring jug? a) 300ml b) 250ml c) 275ml 2) Which state of matter takes the shape of its container? a) Gas b) Liquid c) Solid 3) Which is the correct order for the functions of the teeth shown? a) 1.grinding 2. crushing 3. grinding 4. piercing b) 1.chewing 2. cutting 3. grinding 4. crushing c) 1.cutting 2.piercing 3. crushing 4.grinding 4) Which feature cannot be used to identify a flowering plant? a)  flowers b) pollination c) seeds d) germination e) growth f) stems and roots 5) Peter wants the band to make a higher pitched sound. What should he do? a) loosen the band b) pull the band tighter c) pluck faster 6) The table below shows the time taken for the speed of sound to travel through materials.  Which material offers the least resistance?? a) water b) air c) glass d) steel 7) In the water cycle, which letter shows Condensation? a) A b) B c) C 8) Pick the correct order of words to fill in the gaps of the sentence. When scientists want to find something out they conduct______________ .For their findings to be accurate the test has to be_____________. When conducting a fair test everything needs to be the______________ except for the one thing you are testing.  a) fair, same, unfair b) tests, fair, same c) unfair, same, fair

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