1) If you continue to feel ill, we say your a) symptoms endure  b) symptoms persist c) symptoms repeat 2) If you are visiting a doctor and taking medicine for an illness, we say you are a) taking treatment b) tolerating treatment c) undergoing treatment 3) If someone is so ill that it is possible they might die, we say they are in a a) terrible condition b) lifeless condition c) critical condition 4) if a very ill person has been treated so that they are not getting worse and are not likely to die, we say they are in a a) stable condition  b) fair condition c) pleasant condition 5) If a doctor has decided that you need to stay in hospital, we say you are a) allowed to hospital  b) admitted to hospital c) accepted to hospital. 6) If a medicine you are taking has unwanted and unexpected results, we say you are a) experiencing disadvantages  b) experiencing side actions c) experiencing side effects 7) if someone has a disease that can spread to others, we say it is a) an infectious disease  b) a contaminating disease c) a spreading disease 8) If someone is given drugs to make them very sleepy, we say they are a) greatly sedated  b) heavily sedated c) heavily under sedation 9) If you become more ill after being given a drug, we say you have had a) a bad reaction  b) a negative reaction c) an adverse reaction 10) If you put a bandage on a wound, we say you a) dress a wound  b) pad a wound c) wind a wound 11) If someone takes too much of a drug, we say they have overdosed or a) taken an overdose  b) eaten an overdose c) swallowed an overdose 12) If you twist your ankle and hurt it badly, we say you have a) wrenched your ankle  b) sprained your ankle c) torn your ankle

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