1) Who won the American Revolution? a) Britian b) France c) Spain d) Italy e) Malta f) The U.S.A 2) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? a) Thomas Jefferson b) Thomas Paine c) George Washington d) KIng George III e) John Adams f) John Handock 3) What did the colonists do in response to the Tea Act? a) Give King George III flowers b) dump some tea off British ships c) The Battle of Saratoga d) They killed George Washington e) Nothing f) Wrote about it 4) Who was captured in the battle of Lexington and Concord? a) Paul Revere b) Ms. Hecker c) George Washington d) John Adams e) Thomas Jefferson f) Benjamin Franklin 5) Which battle was the last in the war? a) Yorktown b) Atlanta c) Saratoga d) Boston Massercre e) Orlando f) Britian 6) Who betrayed the Americans in the war? a) Benjamin Franklin b) John Adams c) Benedict Arnold d) Benedict Aiden e) bob f) Ms. Hecker



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