Lead-in - A stage during which we introduce the topic of the lesson, Controlled-practice - A stage where Ss get to practise the TL by doing activities where there is only one correct answer (e.g. gap-fill), Freer Practice - A stage where Ss get to practise the TL in a more flexible way, Listening/Reading for gist - A stage where Ss listen to / read the text for the first time, Listening/Reading for details - A stage where Ss listen to / read the text for the second time, MFP - A stage where three aspects of grammar/vocbulary is being presented, Delayed error correction - A stage where we look at and correct the mistakes made by Ss in the lesson, Pre-teach vocabulary  - A stage where Ss look at some words that occured in the text, Guided discovery - A stage where Ss get introduced to the TL and try to find out the rules/meaning themselves,

Stages of the lessons


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