Vitamin C - Maintenance of bones, teeth and connective tissue, Vitamin D - Role in absorption of calcium, which keeps bones and teeth healthy., B1 (thiamin) - Helps with release of energy. Keeps nervous system healthy., B2 (riboflavin) - Also helps with release of energy. Keeps nervous system healthy., B6 - Helps with release of energy and helps form haemoglobin., B12 (folate) - Helps with release of energy. Keeps nervous system healthy and makes RBC's., Calcium - This is needed for strong bones and teeth and helps with nerve and muscle function., Sodium - Helps regulate fluid levels in the body. Too much can cause high BP., Iron - Helps with the formation of haemoglobin in RBC's., Magnesium - Helps sleep, mood, lowers blood pressure., Potassium - Activates various cells and nerve functions.,

Vitamins and minerals


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